Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

4A Dis_Gender and Society

4A Dis_Gender and Society

Q Option 2: 1) Sociologists see deviance as located in a social context. Why is examining the social context so important to understanding deviance? Include at least one theory that helps us to understand/explain this.

Q 2) How have feminist perspectives on deviance influenced how sociologists view girl gangs, female juvenile delinquency, or gendered incarceration rates?3) Explain Miller’s (1986) argument regarding the causes of women’s crime.4) With regard to women’s crime, what does Daly (1994) mean by the reproduction of harm?5) Prisons are “gendered institutions.” Please explain this statement.

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Regarding understanding of the deviance I consider it to be quite important because without it one will not be able to identify what is wrong and what is correct. If the proper way cannot be identified then the proper principles will not also be made possible to implement. If the proper norms are being set then it will turn out to be easier for the implementation of process. In this scenario, the opportunity theory suits the best. This is because; here it will be made possible to identify the importance of men to that of women. Here it can be proved that men do have more opportunity to work and also to commit crime compared to women. When women will be found to have committed crime then they will be blamed for the porpoises and they will be subject to social deviance.